When driving to campus, there are several options to consider based on your eligibility, including choosing an alternative, more sustainable method to travel.

Visitor / Daily Parking
Hilltop Campus Visitor Parking Location
Visitor and daily parking is available in the Southwest Garage which is accessed from 3611 Canal Road NW . When entering, pull a ticket from the gate dispenser. Pay by credit card at the exit gate or bring the ticket to the pay station on the ground floor lobby of Kennedy Hall to pay with cash or credit card.
Once parked in the Southwest Garage, visitors can use the elevators to exit onto campus. View Georgetown’s Campus Map to plan your trip.
Hilltop Campus Visitor Rates
Parking is in effect Monday-Saturday at Hilltop locations and can be paid by credit card. All daily passes expire at 12:01 a.m. the following day except on University holidays.
Daily Parking Rate: $5/hr with a maximum rate of $25/day
Daily Parking (after 3 p.m.): $15
Daily Parking (after 7 p.m.): $10
Students with a GUID, after 4:30 p.m. (MON-FRI only): $5
Capitol Campus Visitor Parking Locations
Currently, there is no University owned visitor parking at the Capitol Campus. Visitors are encouraged to seek out parking in nearby public garages. Non-GU affiliated visitor parking options include:
- 601 New Jersey Ave NW (across from McDonough Hall)
- 200 Massachusetts Ave NW (Capitol Crossing) across from Law Library
See additional details about parking at the Capitol Campus.
Department Funded Visitor Parking
Departments that wish to cover parking expenses for their guests must complete a request form 24 hours in advance with the full cost center number and associated work tags, including gift or grant tags. Attach a separate sheet to include all visitor names.
Yates Field House Members
Non-Georgetown affiliated Yates members are allowed to park for free in Southwest Garage before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Monday – Friday with a valid Yates parking pass.
Parking between 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. is permitted for a $5/hour fee for a maximum of two hours. Faculty, staff and students are not eligible for Yates parking passes.
Student Parking
Undergraduate Students
It is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct for undergraduate students to park motor vehicles on campus and/or residential streets in Georgetown, Burleith and Foxhall. Students are also not allowed to park vehicles at 55 H Street.
Graduate Students (Hilltop)
All Georgetown students with a valid GUID (including evening and continuing education) as well as students from local universities that are members of the Consortium of Universities , may park in Southwest Garage after 4:30 p.m. for $5.00.
Commuter students may request parking from a limited number of parking spaces located at a satellite lot in Rosslyn, VA. Students residing in the District of Columbia or in Virginia in zip codes 22201, 22203 (east of Glebe Road), 22207 (east of Glebe Road-Lorcum Lane-Military Road boundary), 22209, 22210, and 22216 are not eligible for a parking permit.
Law Center Students
Law students taking courses at the Capitol Campus should refer to its parking options.
School of Continuing Studies
Students taking courses downtown at 640 Massachusetts Ave. NW should refer to its parking options.
Faculty/Staff Permits & Access
Parking Plans & Rates
Annual rates for Hilltop parking locations are effective July 1 – June 30. Deductions follow the university payroll calendar and are paid through payroll deduction which auto-renews at the end of the fiscal year. All active permit holders begin to receive notifications in May to opt-out or change their parking plan.
To start or change plans mid-fiscal year visit OTM in-person. Change requests are effective for the following pay period and not retroactive.
Obtaining Physical Permits
Hangtag permits are issued to faculty and staff and must be picked up in-person during office hours. Any mid-fiscal year changes to your parking plan require you to exchange your permits in-person. If you expect to go on extended leave (parental, sabbatical, disability, etc.) be sure to contact OTM in advance.
Permit Use
The permit should be placed on the rear view mirror, on the driver’s side dashboard or the inside of the driver’s side rear window.
For permit holders with two registered vehicles, only one vehicle may be brought on campus at any time. On occasions when both cars must be on campus simultaneously, one car must pay the visitor rate. If a second car is found to be on campus unauthorized, it will be cited. Multiple infractions may result in withdrawal of campus parking privileges.
Replacement Permits
Parking permits are not transferrable from one vehicle to a new vehicle without prior notification to OTM. If your car is sold, traded, or wrecked, please notify OTM and provide updated vehicle information.
There is a $100 replacement fee for lost permits. For stolen permits, file a report with the Georgetown University Police Department or the police district where the crime occurred. Replacements fees will be waived if OTM is provided an incident report copy.
Individuals who wish to switch their assigned parking location should contact OTM to be added to the waitlist. Lists are reviewed regularly, but OTM is unable to predict changes in availability.
Access Devices
Lot E and Garage 4 may access their assigned parking locations using their GOCard. However, some locations require different access devices. Lot 6 parkers are issued a remote, while Southwest Garage parkers are issued RFIDs or proximity cards. Lost or stolen access devices will be deactivated and replaced for a $35 non-refundable fee.
Campus Reciprocity
Faculty and staff with a valid permit to Capitol Campus garages may park in the Southwest Garage free of charge when visiting the Hilltop. Permits must be shown to the parking attendant when entering the garage.
Faculty and staff with a valid permit for Hilltop garages may park at the McDonough Hall garage at the Capitol Campus during the days noted on their permit. Reciprocity between both campuses is based on availability and is subject to change.
Special Parking & Vehicles
Georgetown strives to be an accessible and welcoming campus for all its constituents. View our accommodations webpage to view accessibility options for visitors traveling to and from campus.
Carpooling is strongly encouraged to reduce pollution, congestion and stress. Discounted annual plans are available for faculty and staff at 2-person, 3-person, and 4-person rates. Carpoolers also receive priority in space assignments. All members must be active faculty or staff living in close proximity to each other. Rates are deducted equally among carpoolers and based on total carpoolers in a given pay period.
Faculty and staff enrolled in the annual motorcycle plan will be guaranteed an on-campus parking space in designated areas. A decal will be issued for motorcycles, which is not transferrable to an automobile. Motorcycles may not park in spaces designed for full-sized vehicles or in bicycle parking areas, and will risk receiving a citation if parked in these spaces.
Electric Vehicles
EV charging is available on a first-come-first-served basis for registered parkers in the Southwest Garage and Garage 4 (under Hariri). There are four Level 2 EV chargers on the P3 level of the SW Garage, and six Level 2 EV chargers on the P2 level of Garage 4. Chargers are currently free (subject to change) to authorized parkers in these garages. Spaces are reserved for active EV charging only, so we ask users to be considerate and move their vehicles once charged.
Parking Locations
The Office of Transportation Management oversees all campus roadways and the following parking locations which can be viewed on our campus map . Most locations are reserved for Georgetown University faculty and staff enrolled in a parking plan.
Hilltop Campus
- Southwest Garage (Use 3611 Canal Road for GPS directions). Visitors and daily parkers should also use this garage. Once you enter the campus make your second right into the garage.
- Leavey Center Garage, Levels P-2 and P-3
- Garage 4, located under the Hariri Building
- Lot 6, located behind Poulton Hall (37th & P Street)
- Lot 9, located behind the Lauinger Library (37th & Prospect Street)
- Lot Y, adjacent to Yates Field House (along West Road)
- Lot WM, adjacent to Wisemiller’s (36th Street between N Street and Prospect Street)
- Lot E, in front of the Med-Dent Building
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital operates the following parking locations. Visit their website or contact 202-444-3802 for more information.
- Hospital Garage 1
- Hospital Garage 2
- Leavey Center P-1 and part of P-2
Capitol Campus
Hilltop Operated Parking Options
- 500 First Street NW Garage
Georgetown Law Operated Parking Options
Georgetown University Law Center operates the following parking locations. Learn more about their rates and access requirements.
- McDonough Hall Garage (entrance at 1st and F Streets NW)
- 550 First Street Garage
The university has relationships with privately owned garages at the following locations:
- 1010 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington DC 20003
- 1911 Moore St
- 2115 Wisconsin Ave
- 3300 White Haven Harris
- 640 Massachusetts Ave (School of Continuing Studies)
- Flour Mill 1000 Potomac St