Online Payment
Citations issued by OTM or GUPD must be paid within 10 days of issue.
There is a $3.50 convenience fee assessed when paying online.
You may also pay by mail or in person at the Office of Transportation Management, Mezzanine Level, Kennedy Hall. Payment may be made using cash, check, Visa or Mastercard. If mailing your appeal please include your name, mailing address, a copy of the citation, along with payment made out to OTM and send to:
Georgetown University
Office of Transportation Management
3700 O Street, NW- Box 571108
Kennedy Hall, Mezzanine Level
Washington, DC 20057-1108
Citations unpaid after 30 days from the date of issue will be forwarded to the University’s ticket control agent, Data Ticket Corporation, for processing. Citation information forwarded to Data Ticket is subject to additional late fees assessed by Data Ticket acting as the University’s agent in the collection of outstanding citations due the University. The right to appeal is waived after failure to pay or request an appeal within 10 days from the date of issuance and applies for outstanding citation information submitted to Data Ticket.
Those who wish to appeal a citation should submit a written explanation which includes their name, mailing address, a copy of the citation, along with payment to OTM at Once reviewed, a written response will be sent along with a refund, if appropriate.