Union Station Loop


This route generally takes between 2-10 minutes between stops. There are 9 stops in the Union Station route before this switches to the Gallery Place route.

2nd and F St. NW (Law Center)55 H St. NWUnion Station130 M St. NETrader Joe’s (Florida Ave)4th and K St. NE4th and H St. NE (Whole Foods)N. Capitol and H St. NW55 H St. NW
5:43 PM5:50 PM6:00 PM6:10 PM6:17 PM6:23 PM6:25 PM6:28 PM6:30 PM
7:21 PM7:27 PM7:35 PM7:41 PM7:47 PM7:53 PM7:55 PM7:58 PM8:00 PM
8:45 PM8:50 PM8:57 PM9:03 PM9:10 PM9:15 PM9:18 PM9:20 PM9:22 PM
10:06 PM10:12 PM10:17 PM10:21 PM10:25 PM10:27 PM10:30 PM10:32 PM